Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Day In the Bay

We finally got to go sailing again! We hadn't been able to go out for a few weeks because of some traveling and work, but this weekend we broke free from the dock. Vlad's mom and brother were in town, and we took them out twice in the bay. Yesterday's sail was gorgeous - good wind, the best weather Texas has to offer and a respite from the mosquitoes that have been plaguing the marina. As usual, I just wanted to keep going. Who cares about the fact that we need to raise money, finish an ever growing to-do list for the boat and provision, right? Patience has never been my virtue.

Though the afternoon started out beautifully, we had a slight mishap getting back to the dock. The day before we had to get a tow because we thought we had run too low on gas, but it looks like we have sludge in the tank instead. Anyway, when the engine quit working in the middle of the channel, we had to hang a quick u-turn, hoist the sails and call the tow company. Again. But, hey, we got to see this rockin' sunset!

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