About Us

My name is Attila, and my boyfriend is Vlad. And, no, we are not planning on sailing around the world as marauding conquerors - really, I swear. Though we are thinking about hiring Genghis as a deckhand.

I used to work as a journalist, and Vlad worked as an electrician/general contractor. So between the two of us, he can fix anything on a boat, and I can write about it. Hmm, why don't my skills don't seem quite so essential in comparison?

The crankiest member of our crew, by far, is our pet hedgehog Sid Vicious. Don't be fooled by his adorable exterior. Except for snuggling and June bugs, he's an equal opportunity hater, so boat life seems to suit him just as well as anything else. And to date he hasn't gotten seasick!


  1. Well he is just adorable! He seems like the perfect live-a-board pet.
    So glad I found your blog so we can read about your adventures aboard Bettie. Great boat name, too. I'm finally getting the hang of finding other people who are 'preparing to cruise' like we are. We're still a few years or so out because we weren't smart like you two, deciding to do this while you are young and unencumbered.
    We're looking forward to seeing more photos of Bettie. We're still deciding which 'blue water' boat will be best for us, so we're really interested in what other people have decided and what they've had to do to get their boats ready.

  2. Isn't fun getting ready for this grand adventure? I've pretty much loved every minute of it so far, even the stuff that hasn't gone as planned. I'll post a more detailed description of our boat for you, and I look forward to following along with your journey as well!

  3. Ahoy! Just found your blog and am enjoying your adventures (Sid Vicious by the way is the best name for a hedgehog ever!)I have an online library of marina maps where boaters can view or print the slip diagrams to help them navigate an unfamiliar marina. I'm always looking for new map/diagrams so, if you have any from your travels, I'd really appreciate you sending me a copy so that I could add it to the library. You can access the library here http://themarinersguide.blogspot.com/p/marina-map.html Fair Winds!

  4. Hi,
    I’m not sure you’ll remember me, but I’ve been following your blog for a while and want to say that it’s a great place for travel info, and I especially appreciated this blog post "Loving El Salvador ", and even shared it on my personal Facebook and Twitter page.
    As a big fan of traveling, I’m now starting a travel service called Guidestock: It’s an audio tour guide stock house, where users can take advantage of lots of user-generated audio guides, using an app to guide personalized treks through a city using a combination of GPS, photos, an audio guide and augmented reality. Users who record and share their own audio guides can also earn money.
    Now it’s beta testing time, and I would like to invite you and your blog team to be a part of it – no rocket science, it’s easy to use. Just try it and share your honest opinion with me. If you are interested, shoot me an email, and I’ll send you further details.
    Thank you!
    Regards, Robert Hennessy
    4397 Locust View Drive
    San Francisco, CA 94110
    (415) 992-8057
    Skype: rob.henny25.
    Twitter: @ HennyRob

