

About a year and a half ago, Vlad and I sat on our lovely friend Sally's front porch and thought about what we wanted in our lives. We both wanted to do something interesting with adventure and new places and plenty of time to be with each other. In other words, not the tied-to-the-cubicle norm. Been there and tried that with not particularly rewarding results.

But what to do? Well, I had always wanted to buy a sailboat and run off to sea, but you know how life goes - generally not in that direction. However, I made the mistake of mentioning that wishful thought to Vlad, and he said, "we can do that." And so we did.


  1. I know the feeling. Tate metioned the idea to me about 2 1/2 years ago. He was like, you know one of my biggest dreams is to sail around the world..I was like "Are you serious"?, thinking he must be joking. I didn't even know normal folk could do such a thing. The idea was grand..I thought about it a few minutes and said..yeah I think we can do that.

    So we bought Sundowner and are in preps now.
    How neat you two are so close and sort of on the same time line. Maybe in the future we'll rendevous at a tropical location.

  2. Isn't it strange how these kind of random dreams can become a reality? One day you make some offhanded comment about sailing and within a year you're waking up wondering, "did we really just buy a boat?" It's amazing and strange all at the same time. And we can't wait to meet up with y'all in a tropical locale!

  3. HI this is Natasha!(tatter) I can't believe that you guys are really getting to do this. I just found the blog and I so look forward to many more stories and pictures from the two of you! I don't know if this is really what the comment thing is for,but I wanted to send you all my love. (and let you know that I finally found the blog : ) )

  4. Hey, Natasha! We miss you sooooo much too, and Vlad is really excited about having you come down to visit. We love you!

  5. Just found your site and wanted to say "hi"!

    We're in Louisiana and about to put our house on the market in about a week so we can start cruising on our Catalina 30. Enjoying your posts!

  6. I came across your Blog and thought you may be interested in an item I brought on my last Cruise. :) I've been on a few cruises and it had all the items I needed. Here's the Link: Hope you like it!!

